Joy and Wonder of Catholic Education - Bishop James Conley

Last month Bishop James Conley served as the keynote speaker for the 2023 Diocesan Teachers' Institute at Lincoln Pius X High School. At the end of his address on the renewal of Catholic education in the United States he gave a shout out to our own Dale Ahlquist and G.K. Chesterton! Here is an excerpt of the address that highlights the impact of the Chesterton Academies on Catholic education.

I mentioned at the outset of my talk that we are experiencing a true renewal in Catholic education in the United States today. It is, indeed, an exciting time to be part of the mission of Catholic education. A challenge to be sure! But there is no need to be afraid. We were made for these times!

Let me conclude with something I heard recently from my good friend, Dale Ahlquist, who is the President of the G.K. Chesterton Society and the founder of the Chesterton High School Academies, and like G.K. himself, is a man filled with joy and wonder. 

When Dale Alhquist was asked, “Why do your students read the great books?” he answered:   

“We read the Iliad because all of life is a battle.

We read the Odyssey because all of life is a journey. 

We read the Book of Job because all of life is a riddle.

We read Canterbury Tales because all of life is a pilgrimage.

We read Don Quixote because all of life is a knight errantry.

We read Shakespeare because all the world’s a stage.

We read Dickens because all of life is a great expectation.

We read Dostoyevsky because we are all part of a family, and every soul is a battleground between heaven and hell. 

And we read Dante because all of life is a Divine Comedy. 

And we read Chesterton…  because all of life is a paradox.”

Thank you, and I hope you have a joy-filled and wonder-full day today!

This is an excellent resource for inspiration and education! Read the entire transcript at the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education (ICLE) or view the video below. Enjoy!


SUCCESS! Giving Tuesday Kicks Off "$5k in 5 Days" Campaign to Bring a Chesterton Academy to Charlottesville!


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