Monthly Newsletter

Easter Joy, and Big News on the Horizon!
As we continue to relish the joy of the Risen Christ, we also joyfully anticipate a home for our school: We are in lease negotiations for a beautiful space that is walking distance to Holy Comforter parish in Charlottesville. We also just hired a full-time teacher and a music teacher. Stay tuned for a special announcement on our space and new faculty members! 


G.K. Chesterton Quote of the Month:

“The riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of man.”


Walk for Life Charlottesville, Benefitting LifeSpring

Saturday, April 27th, 9:00-11:30 am
Come walk with our Chesterton Academy group to support LifeSpring Pregnancy Centers. Aligning with our school motto of "Cultura Vitae" (Culture of Life), we're pleased to participate in this fun community event that upholds the sanctity of life. Register online. If you'd like a Chesterton Academy t-shirt for the walk, request one here!

Register for Walk for Life Charlottesville 

Athletic Program Sneak Peek & Raising Cane's!
Saturday, May 4th, 12:00-2:00 pm

Master Park, Taekwondo expert and member of the local Catholic community, will offer Taekwondo classes at CASJE in Fall 2024. We're excited to host a demo/workshop for students in grades seven and upto give them a taste for the athletics program at CASJE. We'll be serving the ever-popular Raising Cane's chicken, and our headmaster, Dr. Jeffrey Bond, will provide an overview of what attending our school will be like. Bring a friend! Click here to get registered, and view some incredible footage of Master Park in action!

Register for Taekwondo Demo/Workshop!

So many of you have stepped out in faith to support the spiritual, academic, and character formation our school will provide--thank you. We have raised $310,000 of our $500,000 goal. We must now close the gap so that our mission is fully provisioned. Your tax-deductible gift or monthly contribution will help do just that. If you'd like to talk with us about how you can support, or get insights on tax advantages, please contact us. Equally important, please keep the prayer support coming!

Donate Now & Help Close the Gap!

"The Study of History: An Incarnational Approach that Unlocks the Order to Our Lives." Read the article by our headmaster, Dr. Jeffrey Bond, to learn more about the special role of history courses in the Chesterton curriculum. 


Experience the Chesterton difference: Socratic seminar, daily Mass, affordable tuition, and an integrated, classical curriculum, delivered in a joyfully Catholic environment. Explore our admissions process and apply online. Tuition assistance is available to qualified families. We always welcome questions--reach out today!


We can't wait to provide further details on our school site, new faculty hires, and the upcoming school year. Until then, may God bless and keep you, and thank you for sharing this journey towards a high school with a higher purpose! 


Breaking News: Our School Has Found Its Home, and Two Great Teachers!


Headmaster’s Perspective - The Study of History:  An Incarnational Approach that Unlocks the Order to Our Lives