March Newsletter

A New Springtime for Classical Catholic Education, and a Critical Time for Our School 
In the midst of Lenten prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, there's a rebirth stirring in the local and national Catholic community: classical Catholic education is on the rise. Here in Charlottesville, we're approaching a critical moment for our school's location and funding. More on that, but first...


G.K. Chesterton Quote of the Month:

“Religion is a battle; and to have your thinking unfinished is to be fighting unprepared. If there is an enemy in the field, he will not wait until we find truth, he will already be leading us into error.”



"So, where will the school be located?" It's the top question we get, and parents and donors want to know! We currently have a lead on a location that's walkable to a parish, which is key for our students' daily Mass. As we pursue that option, we're mindful of what needs to happen to afford this strategic location... 


As we get closer to signing a lease and hiring a teacher, the next few weeks are pivotal for provisioning our school. We have raised $258k of the $500k needed to secure our location and offer contracts to staff. Your tax-deductible one-time gift or recurring monthly contribution will secure the future of this school. For those already contributing, thank you. For those with younger children or grandchildren, contributing now helps ensure this educational option is available to them in the future.


March 16th, 6:30-8:30 pm: St. Patrick's Party with Live Irish Music!

Come hear an update on our school, meet our headmaster, and enjoy some live Irish music by the Fiddling Flynns! This special event is for everyone--prospective families, supporters, and donors. Get details and register now


April 27th, 9:00-11:30am: Walk for Life in Charlottesville
If you missed the March for Life in D.C. or Richmond, join us for this local opportunity to stand up for the sanctity of life. Aligning with our school motto of "Cultura Vitae" (Culture of Life), we're pleased to partake in this community event. We also look forward to our students participating in the 40 Days for Life campaign, currently underway in Charlottesville.


- Do you love putting together a great event? In particular, if you have experience planning engaging events for youth, we'd love to hear from you.
- Are you a natural networker? Help us forge relationships and build partnerships in Charlottesville and beyond.

- Do you have experience with fundraising or grants? Help us strategize and research options for funding.
What's the time commitment? One or two virtual meetings per month, with occasional in-person meetings and events. Whether you have minutes or hours to spare, contact us to get started!


"Critical Thinking vs. Right Reason," by
Dr. Jeffrey Bond

A frequent claim is that students need to be taught "critical thinking," which seeks to replace the traditional teaching about "right reason." What is the difference between the two, and why does it matter?" Read more. 

Finally, a reminder that applications are open! Explore our admissions process and apply online today. Tuition assistance is available to qualified families. Learn more


Headmaster’s Perspective - The Study of History:  An Incarnational Approach that Unlocks the Order to Our Lives


Headmaster’s Perspective - Critical Thinking vs. Right Reason