June Newsletter

One Year In: Counting Our Blessings, Ready to Launch!

Our story began with a handful of parents seeking to establish a high school rooted in the Catholic faith. In under twelve months, we formed a 501(c)(3), raised our start-up costs, hired a headmaster and teachers, leased a space, and are preparing to open Chesterton Academy of St. John the Evangelist inAugust! Through God's grace and providence and your financial and prayer support, it's happening: young men and women in our community now have a high school that provides academic and spiritual formation, daily Mass, the Socratic seminar, and an affordable tuition. Praise be to God! 


G.K. Chesterton Quote of the Month:

“The whole truth is generally the ally of virtue; a half-truth is always the ally of some vice.”

This Summer: Come Experience Our School!
We can't wait to open our doors to prospective families, donors, and the community. As we continue setting up our space this summer, we invite you to come and see! 


Site Tour & "Dip Into Poetry" Workshop

Saturday, June 8th, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Enrolled, applied, and prospective students and their parents are invited to come see where a life-changing high school education will take place! Following the tour, students will stay for a very engaging 1.5-hour poetry workshop led by faculty member Isak Bond. Open to rising 8th through 12th graders. View full details.

Half Day "Dive Into Poetry" Camp
June 24-28th, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Rising 8th through 12th graders: Do you love poetry? Or do you feel like you just don't "get" poetry? Either way, this short course in reading, writing, and most of all, enjoying great poetry is for you! Through Mr. Isak Bond's unique teaching style, you'll get to preview CASJE and learn to read and write poetry with confidence. This week-long, half-day course concludes with a pool party and open mic opportunity. Grab a friend and register today!

It's human nature to watch, wait, and evaluate something new. That's why we've been so heartened by those who have stepped out in faith to support our school. All schools must start somewhere--most of the private schools in our area began with a handful of students in makeshift spaces. For anyone who has been waiting, watching, and wondering, we are indeed opening in August, and we want your support! We've raised $329,000 of our $500,000 funding goal and must close the gap of $171k. Your tax-deductible gift or monthly contribution, along with your prayer support, will make all the difference for our school. Even if your kids or grandkids are far from high school, supporting now ensures that Chesterton Academy will be an option for them. No other high school in townoffers academic and spiritual formation in the Catholic tradition. Thanks for your generous support!

"Illuminating Experience through Literature: Seeing the Universal in the Particular." Read the article by our headmaster, Dr. Jeffrey Bond.


If you're discerning enrolling your student, we're here to support. In addition to the upcoming opportunities to preview our school and teachers, we can arrange a conversation with our headmaster to get your questions answered. Explore our admissions process and apply online. Tuition assistance is available to qualified families. 


Until next time, thank you for sharing this journey towards a high school with a higher purpose! 


Job Posting: Receptionist and Administrative Assistant | Full Time


Headmaster’s Perspective - Illuminating Experience through Literature:  Seeing the Universal in the Particular