December Newsletter

Greetings from the CASJE team! Tremendous strides were made in November toward launching Charlottesville’s first high school rooted in the Catholic tradition. So much to share, but first…

G.K. Chesterton Quote of the Month:

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”    

Fabulous First Annual Friend-Raiser & Dale Ahlquist Talks!

Chesterton Schools Network founder Dale Ahlquist visited Charlottesville for our Friend-Raiser event on Nov. 11th. This lively, elegant gathering drew guests from each Charlottesville parish and beyond, and rallied both financial and prayer support for this new classical school.

 A heartfelt thank you to those who donated, and to those who took pledge cards home for further consideration. Returning pledge cards this week will allow us to accurately plan the next phase of the school's launch. We want to move forward with hiring a headmaster and selecting a school location, both of which depend on meeting fundraising goals. If you need a pledge card, we would be happy to send one--please email us.

Again, thank you for stepping out in faith to help form young people of character who are spiritually and academically strong.

 Speaking of young people, our prospective students and their families packed the St. Thomas Aquinas teen room on Nov. 10th to hear Mr. Ahlquist's inspiring vision for Chesterton Academy and how this grassroots movement is an answer to many of the problems plaguing modern education. Several parents commented that hearing him speak affirmed that this school and its curriculum are a definite fit for their family's faith and values.

Missed the Big Events? More to Follow in December!
Advent Wine & Cheese, Fri., Dec. 15th, 6:30 p.m. at First Free Coffee Bar (near Kohl’s on Rte. 29)
Enjoy some pre-Christmas cheer as we serve up light holiday fare and show excerpts from Dale Ahlquist's talk. If you weren't able to join us for the Nov. 11 Friend-Raiser event (and even if you were), we'd love to connect with you! RSVP here

Patron Saint Party, Wed., Dec. 27th. Come help us celebrate our patron, St. John the Evangelist, and all the progress that's been made towards opening this school. This will be a festive, family-friendly event, so save the date and check our events page for further updates!


Our Applications Are LIVE!

It’s time to start forming our founding class of students for the 2024-25 school year! We are seeking rising 9th and 10th graders who are ready to be formed in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness as they pursue academic excellence in a joyfully Catholic environment. Begin your Chesterton journey today by applying online. If your son or daughter is beyond 9th or 10th grade and you're interested, let’s talk! Please contact us to arrange a conversation with our admissions team. 


This Advent, Journey with Chesterton to the Crèche!
How about some unique and inspiring Advent preparation? Journey with G.K. Chesterton to the Crèche, the House of Christmas! Chesterton had something to say about each figure in the Christmas story. Click here to get daily reflections delivered to your inbox. "Only where He was homeless are you and I at home."- G.K. Chesterton


January Newsletter


SUCCESS! Giving Tuesday Kicks Off "$5k in 5 Days" Campaign to Bring a Chesterton Academy to Charlottesville!